Membership/Monthly Subscriptions:
To become a member we require parents or guardians to complete a membership application form, sign the club code of conduct and pay an annual membership fee.
Players will also be asked to complete our club code of conduct and the league registration card. This will entitle them to play for AFC Lewisham, subject to selection.
Players will also have to provide the following:
Copy of birth certificate/ Passport
2 Passport size photos
Membership fee
Asthma Pump (if necessary)
The fee each member is required to pay is £30 on a monthly basis for the following:
Matches on Sunday
League fees & fines
Training facilities
Administration costs
Squad equipment including match balls, training bibs etc.
Club website
Award ceremony, medals and trophies
Failure to pay subs will result to your child being withdrawn from the squad, till the subs have been paid. Our aim is to provide quality sporting opportunities for all children interested regardless to their financial position.
Please contact the secretary if you require financial assistance. The secretary will discuss your circumstances with the treasurer.