Our Philosophy
As the club continues to expand, the need for a philosophy requires more importance as continuity is a key factor in terms of youth development. All coaches within the club will have to understand that they play a key role in their players’ development, which emphasizes the need for us to head in the same direction.
Our model has been divided into 4 categories which epitomize the direction we will travel in order for our players to reach their full potential.
Communication with players and parents is something I’d like to improve on. Keeping them well informed of what is happening is key as parents may find themselves listening to two different versions of the same story. It goes by saying, they would listen to their children’s side as it is more favourable version and this is how unnecessary confrontations occur.
For coaches to manage their players development efficiently, 2 reports are made during the season breaks (April and December) outlining the player's progress. The report is divided into sub-categories, where the coach will scale the player on their abilities respectively (A-C).
A- Excellent
B- Average
C- Improvement needed
In order for players to develop, training sessions is a catalyst. Below is a checklist explaining what the coaches provide for their players:
Ability to use both feet
Passing long and short
Juggling with all parts of the body
Shooting (placed and driven shot)
Heading (attacking and defensive)
Body feints and skills
Shielding the ball
Throw ins
Set pieces
Learning your players ethos
Build their communication skills
Learning to listen to opinions
Build leadership
Accepting referees decision (the players)
Teach them to analyse their game
Accepting to be a team player
Build concentration
Learn to be responsible for their equipment
Learning eat right
Learning to avoid injuries
Learning to listen to their body
As I said before, our coaches follow this system as players are guaranteed to reach their potential. As players get older, they may potentially play with different coaches within the club. Having a system in place will prevent players from losing motivation and enthusiasm as they will have been coached the same system previously.
Lastly, the coaches at our club incoropate a rule of constant postional rotation within the player’s development. Playing a number positions will encourage the player to be a team player rather than being “one dimensional”. It will also builds understanding of how the game is played, what responsibilities they and their team mates have.
Running into space to receive ball
Linking with play
Ability to play multiple positions
Looking beyond the ball
Improve decision making
Covering danger ‘
Understanding responsibilities
Principles of good running
Coordinated running
Jumping (one legged, bunny hop etc.)
Maintaining balance
Avoiding tackles
Ability to out run your opponent
Improve explosiveness (shifting the ball over 5m)